Betrayal Trauma refers to the profoundly damaging consequences of having a loved one such as a spouse or partner violate the sanctity of the safety of your relationship. While our field has been slow to recognize this as a true trauma research shows that indeed this type of violation can cause the same level of PTSD as a sexual assault. This is typical for partners of sex and porn addicts, alcoholics or partners of drug addicts. The betrayal trauma model goes beyond the old codependency model and truly treats the partner's pain as the trauma that it truly is. Unfortunately many mental health or medical professionals do not recognize the profound trauma that this causes in partners which can further make the innocent partner feel isolated.
For betrayal trauma counseling, I use approaches including EMDR, family systems, psychodynamic interventions, and cbt to support my clients. Together we work healing their trauma, setting healthy boundaries, establishing their independence, understanding relationship patterns, making healthy choices and making choices about their relationships and future from an empowered place. I offer online betrayal trauma counseling for clients in the state of California and my office is in Roseville, Ca.
You can also review my recent blog on betrayal trauma: